Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Family Empowerment Event... Here I Come!

God knows EXACTLY what He's doing. The family event that I scheduled my daughter Clara Huff to volunteer at as a part of She'Matters G.I.R.L.S. LLC is the very event I've LITERALLY just been asked to attend as a speaker/workshop facilitator with a focus on empowering single moms. My oh my! He will make the path plain to your desires when you live for Him, do His will and put in the work. I will fill you in on details later. What I will say for now, though, is that if you are available Nov. 17th from 9 am to 1 pm, you'll want to be on the campus of my alma mater Norfolk State University. The Women's Center has a true treat for the parents of Hampton Roads. Thank you Donyata Shavon Miller-Washington for passing my name along. The phone call was a surprise and a real blessing for my ministry. Stay tuned! Until I write you next, I'm just living the solo mommy life. Love you, Feona Sharhran Huff. P.S. Stay connected with me on Facebook. Request to join the Living the Solo Mommy Group. Follow me on Twitter @ solomommy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm Training Up My Children in Christ

As I arise early this beautiful Tuesday morning, I thank God for how Je is using my children in youth ministry. At our church, Lady Clara is a me member of teen group Future Leaders of Christ's Kingdom (FLOCK) and Kids in Christ Serve (KICS). Sir Isaac is a member of the latter group as well. This past Sunday, their group led worship service. The theme was "Journey with Jesus". They dressed in garbs just like the people did in Biblical times and delivered likes that told of Christ's physical walk while on Earth. I am definitely a PROUD MOM - not only because Sir Isaac commenced his lines to memory and Lady Clara was so eloquent in speech and diction but additionally because they gave God the glory in what they were doing. They understood it not for show but to show how Jesus lived, which was holy. Please get your sons and daughters involved in the church so that they can learn more about the awesome God we serve who has a special heart for His babies. Consider what Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it". Until I write you next, I'm just living the solo mommy life. Love you, Feona Sharhran Huff. P.S. Stay connected with me on Facebook. Request to join the Living the Solo Mommy Group. Follow me on Twitter @ solomommy.