In Proverbs 22:6 of the New Living Translation version of the Holy Bible it reads, "Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it." What a deep and truthful scripture.
I remember growing up, my grandparents, the late Chairman Deacon Clarence Isaac Anderson and President Deaconness Clara Lewis Bond Anderson, introduced me to the teachings of God. They had me involved in the House of the Lord from day one. Everyday -- even up until my grandfather passed nearly six years ago -- we had Bible reading in the afternoon. He'd read a selected scripture and give meaning behind it.
My grandparents, along with my mother, Dorothy A. Huff, raised me to be respectful, honest, a seeker of knowledge and understanding, responsible, etc. While I may have strayed here and there on this journey called life, I have never forgotten their diligent teachings and have always reverted back to my foundation.
Now that I am the mother to Lady Clara and Sir Isaac (who, incidentally turns 8 years old 11 days -- Go Leo!), I am doing my part to train them up so that when they do go off into the world to make their way, they will be able to make smart choices. In our household, we talk. So, we have conversations about what things are good to do and what things they should steer clear of.
Like my upbringing, I am raising them up to learn who God is and to develop a personal relationship with Him for themselves. I teach Lady Clara to always cross her legs at the ankle when she wears a dress or skirt. I teach Sir Isaac to offer his seat to pregnant women and elders. I teach them to have each other's back.
I am confident that they will be just fine when they move out of my house and forward with life because even if they make mistakes, I know they will remember their foundation and quickly get it together.
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