Monday, October 31, 2011

Sir Isaac Loves Me!

While I was at the Women's Press Collective making copies of the program for "The State of the Solo Mommy Address" the day before the panel-led conference, Sir Isaac was busy typing on the computer. After he completed his composition, he beckoned me to turn my attention toward him then cleared his throat to read me a love song. When Sir Isaac finished, all I could do was hug him tight and give my son a big kiss. When he read the love song at my event the following day, Sir Isaac got a standing ovation.

Read my son's love song below and you'll understand exactly why he received so much love for his love song. Oh yes, Sir Isaac loves me!

The Love Song for Feona Huff

By Timothy Huff

My mommy is a strong powerful woman and always stands up for herself.
She will not let people bully her or say mean stuff.
She is a Solo Mommy Magazine woman.She will not let people control her.
She is an awesome mother that you could ever have.
She is a young and powerful woman.
She is my guardian angel.
She is a nice and sweet person that you've ever seen.
I love my mom because she takes good care of me and feeds me.
She plays pillow fights and goes shopping.
She protects me and my sister, and loves us so much.
She works all day long just to take care of her own children.
That is my story of my best Number 1# mom in the whole world.

(c) October 21, 2011

Distance Doesn't Stop Me From Helping My Daughter with Her Homework

Right now, I am in Virginia and Lady Clara is in New York. Last night, I was assisting her step by step with her math homework over the speaker option of the cell phone.

Thank you Jesus that I paid attention in Geometry class when I was in grade school. Thank you Jesus that our cell phone bill is paid so that we are to communicate.

There was only one problem that I couldn't figure out over the phone. It dealt with reviewing a diagram to determine the answer. So, I asked Lady Clara to take a photo of the problem with her cell phone and send it to me. I then uploaded the picture onto my laptop to check out the diagram. Oh, we were going to solve that problem for sure.

So, how far are you willing to go to help your child with his/her homework? #justadeterminedmommy