Sunday, December 4, 2011

There Must Be a Limit to What Children Post on Facebook

OMG... I am SO disturbed. While my daughter was checking her FB page for status updates from her friends and colleagues, she alerted me to a relationship status of one of her former classmates. The little girl, just 11 years old, posted on her status that she was "married to...." Clara was in utter shock and reading it greatly disturbed her. Me too. It's really sad. You see, my children have FB pages to promote their accomplishments and businesses. They have character and respect themselves and me. They ask for permission before they post things and let me know when someone has requested their friendship. I monitor my kids for their safety. What's even more disturbing is the girl's mom doesn't tolerate fresh mouths or fresh actions. What happen in this instance? I am going to find out if she is online as I'm curious as to whether she is aware of her daughter's online activity. This is NOT a good look. I am thanking God that my children practice age-appropriate activity on this social networking site. #myheartishurtingformisguidedyouth

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