It's a shame to say, but my son's father is not ready to assume his responsibility as a man and be the most influential male role model in Isaac's life. I am a super-loving mom and I do my very best to teach Isaac how to be a honest, loving, respectable, and productive young man. However, I am not a man and there are obvious things that are best suited for a man to teach a "soon-to-be-one-day" man. Thankfully, my son has positive male role models in his life, including my best friend, Matthew Scott, and Wayne Winston, CEO of NSP Youth, Inc. Additionally, I have Isaac enrolled in sports programs run by positive men. Through these asociations and friendships, Isaac is able to see what being a "real" man is all about.
While it may hurt you that your son's father isn't in his life, you've got a man to raise and there is no time to waste. Consider the positive men in your life and ask them to help mentor your son. As an additional resource, look into male mentoring or big brother programs in your area (just make sure you conduct a thorough screening first) . Your son deserves to be positively influenced by a man. If his own father won't do it, believe me, there is a positive male rodel model out there who will.
Stay strong, single moms sisters!
Feona Sharhran Huff
Founder & CEO
Solo Mommy Magazine
"Empowering you with savvier ways to live a simpler life"
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