Saturday, October 30, 2010

Let Them Express Themselves

For Lady Clara’s Harry Potter Book Club celebration yesterday afternoon, I bought her a long green wig. Oh, and did she love it! Lady Clara loved it so much that she fell asleep wearing it. I had planned to put it away this morning to preserve it for a future costume occasion. However, she had other plans.

After Lady Clara got dressed for acting class, I noticed that she had put the wig back on. “Look, mom!” she said with excitement. I immediately told her to take it off. After all, the party was over. There was no reason for her to go outside with an Incredible Hulk green wig on (And, yes… I totally dismissed the fact that it was the Halloween season! I only let her wear the wig because of her club’s event).

Lady Clara did as I instructed. But, she looked so disappointed. I suddenly felt bad. My daughter wanted to express herself in her own way and I was impeding on that because I didn’t want anyone starring at me like I was crazy. I had a quick change of heart, which prompted an even quicker change of expression for Lady Clara.

What I learned from this situation was that when your children want to express themselves, let them. This allows them to explore those things that make them happy or that spark their curiosity. When I was younger, my mom let me express myself. Had she stopped me, I wonder would I be the creative and expressive person that I am today.

The next time Lady Clara or Sir Isaac want to wear something to express themselves, I’m going to let them -- without hesitation. Oh, and to add to her green wig ensemble, I gave Lady Clara her green and white pocketbook to rock. “I’m matching,” she said with enthusiasm. “Yes, you are baby!” I responded.

Well, until I write you next…. I’m just living the solo mommy life.

Love you!

Feona Sharhran Huff


Unknown said...

Awesome! Children and adults should be free to express themselves in whatever way they feel.

Living the Solo Mommy Life said...

I totally agree, Nic. That's exactly why I had a change of heart. It's necessary for a child's soul to be able to express themself.