Friday, June 11, 2010

Step into Your Power!

Did you know that you had it going on? If you didn't, I'm telling you.... YOU DO! After all, it takes a special type of person to do what we do, which is make life happen for ourselves and our children. Only a powerful person can get up every morning to get the children ready and off to school, go to work and make deals happen, run side businesses, volunteer, and the list goes on. And, all of this is done without breaking a sweat (or a nail!).

But, that's what single moms do. We make life happen f or ourselves and our children EVERYDAY. We are skillful and creative. We know how to turn nothing into something. We improvise and wow people with our enterprise. All in all... we get it done. Our surroundings and the way our children live are a direct result of our powerful being.

So the next time that you think you're not doing enough or being enough, put those feelings on pause. Look at yourself in the mirror and see the strength that illuminates. Watch how your children skip about their day happy. That's you! I created my communications agency, Powerhouse Media Group, with all of this in mind. And, as the tagline goes: "When you step into your power, you become a powerhouse." I truly believe that. I embrace that concept everyday. I want you to do the same. This world needs your power to exist. So, step into it... NOW!

Until I write you next... I'm just living the solo mommy life.

Love ya,

Feona Sharhran Huff
Founder & CEO
Solo Mommy Magazine
"Empowering you with savvier ways to live a simpler life"

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