Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dear "Solo Mommy"... You ARE Appreciated!

Since the birth of my first born, Clara Huff (Lady Clara), I have been working diligently to empower single moms with savvier ways to live a simpler life through the magazine as well as through workshops, conferences, blogs (like this one!) and one-on-one conversations. I do it out of love -- not glory. I give out awards (i.e. "You Go, Mom! Awards©), I don't seek them out. And so, when someone sends me a note of encourage, praise report or testimony in celebration of my life's ministry, I feel unspeakable joy. It lets me know that someone is listening, being touched, empowered, healed, restored, etc. Receiving the following quote from Rodney (Bow-Tie) Harraway, nearly caused me to cry. I know it came from a place of authenticity. Here's what "The Child Support Czar" had to say:

"After meeting Feona and her Solo Mommy Movement, I gained a better understanding of what she was attempting to achieve, which is the empowerment of our single parents who have been struggling to gain support from the world. Feona has taken the bull by the horn and not only does she rear her children in the fear of the Lord, she has also commanded nothing less than total victory and success for her own two young children. I’m a man who stands on the word of the Lord, and Feona's spirit of excellence and integrity speak volumes of the women and men she reaches. The Bible says that we are overcome by our testimonies. And, Feona's empowering stories will help break the generational cures that plague our communities -- one family at a time. She has started with her own and the Lord is well pleased with her work."

Thank you Rodney! I appreciate your acknowledgement of the work I do. I shall continue to journey of empowering my parenting population.

In service to single moms,

Feona Sharhran Huff
Publisher & CEO
Solo Mommy Magazine©

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