Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm Setting Lady Clara Up for Middle School Success

The other night, I attended "Technology Night" at Lady Clara's school. The workshop facilitators - including the school's guidance counselor, Mrs. Donaldson - informed parents on specific ways to keep our children safe on the Internet (FYI: An extensive write-up about what was shared will be in another posting)

When I saw Mrs. Donaldson this morning after dropping my daughter off at school, I thanked her again for such an empowering session. Then, I asked her if she planned on talking to the 5th graders (which Lady Clara is one) about keeping safe when they enter middle school in the fall. Ms. Donaldson went on to say that it would be worked into her schedule more closer to the end of the school year. In the meantime, she suggested that I have a heart-to-heart with my first born about certain topics prior to her transition from elementary school to middle school.

Mrs. Donaldson said peer pressure is big concern at the middle school level, especially because that is the time where cliques begin and friendships matter the most. She advised me to encourage an open dialogue with Lady Clara to gauge her comfort level regarding self-esteem and confidence. She mentioned that personal hygiene is an issue that must be addressed as this is also the age of development (and for girls, the onset of the menstrual cycle). The overall message Mrs. Donaldson presented was being able to communicate with my daughter. Once communication is in place, she agreed, it's much more easier to talk about the "tough" and "sensitive" stuff.

I had a terrific middle school experience. I was one of those outgoing students and very much into academics and creative expression. I got along with everyone (okay, I did have a little issue with this one boy -- Nakia -- who purposely said my name wrong just to get a rise out of me which sometimes worked). I had a crush or two, but it wasn't that serious because my focus was honestly on my books.

However, things have greatly changed since my days at Rosemont Middle School (Norfolk, VA). The middle school children these days are privy to a lot more than I was. They have a lot of peer pressue -- as Mrs. Donaldson mentioned -- to be a certain type of person or hang with a particular crowd. If they are not grounded in a strong self-esteem, middle school students can easily get caught up.

It is my mission to keep Lady Clara on track. I am confident she will fare well in middle school because she is focused, has goals and me! We already have a wonderful mommy-daughter relationship and talk about everything. I allow her to voice her opinion and share with her why I may agree or disagree with something that she says -- always pointing to proof or a solid example.

To help me stay on top of the middle school game, I plan to do a lot of reading, observing, communicating and praying. I will especially be involved in Lady Clara's school life. I plan to make everyone from the principal to the custodian my BFF. They will know me by name, face and voice. So will the students. I care just that much about my daughter. I desire for her to have a healthy experience that will have lasting effects.

I encourage you to start now with preparing your impending middle school student. Elementary school is so much different from middle school. It's a whole new world. The better equipped they are, the more likely they will excel.

Here's to empowering our children!


Feona Sharhran Huff
Publisher & CEO
Solo Mommy Magazine

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